In my entire years of programming, before I created JiNexus Framework, I've been using various and different kinds of PHP framework and open-source projects—even up to this days.
And I acknowledge those technologies on helping me throughout the time and mold me to attained the knowledge that I have right now. Those experiences gives me a depth of understanding
about S.O.L.I.D principles and different kinds of Design Patterns. Below is the following short list were JiNexus Framework are inspired by.
Zend Framework - Not all but most of JiNexus Framework components are based or highly influenced by Zend.
DesignPatternsPHP - JiNexus Framework referenced the best practices
and design pattern from DesignPatternsPHP.
S.O.L.I.D Principles
- JiNexus Framework aims to be come easily be extended, modified, tested, and refactored without any problems by adhering from the guidelines
of S.O.L.I.D Principles.
PHP Standards Recommendations - JiNexus Framework referenced a standardization approach for PHP from PSR.
Bootstrap 4 - JiNexus Framework website is currently using the Bootstrap 4 docs.css theme.
I did some research if I am allowed to use their docs.css in my open-source or commercial projects and since docs.css is considered being part
of the Bootstrap package and falls under the same license as the rest of the framework. Yes! they allow it to be use, you may check their conversation
in this thread.
Thank you, open source.
And a special thanks to Ivan Maglasang for helping me out in putting life
on JiNexus Framework's logo.